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Banchetto Musicale Sampling Library
Technische Einzelheiten
Instrument samples velocity
tonal  range m/st size
steps lokey hikey
cowbell mute (6) 1 - 12 b3 (71) a#4 (82) m (0.2)
cowbell open (6) 1 - (0.2)
cowbell switch 12 2 - 0.4
Davul 38 8 - 5 - - st 15.9
einhand einz noloop 10 1 diatonic 17 c5 (84) e6 (100) m 5.3
einhand legato noloop 10 1 3.0
einhand einz loop (10) 1 (4.7)
einhand einz noloop (10) 1 (2.7)
Fanfare p (7) 1 partials 9 g1 (43) c4 (74) m (3.2)
Fanfare m (7) 1 (3.8)
Fanfare f (7) 1 (1.0)
Fanfare 21 3 8.0
Fanfare loop p (7) 1 (2.3)
Fanfare loop m (7) 1 (2.5)
Fanfare loop (21) 3 (5.8)
Hurdy Gurdies
Fedros Leier 14 1 diatonic 23 b2 (59) a4 (81) m 3.5
Ullis Leier 14 1 3.6
Bone Flute
Knochenflöte 11 1 diatonic 18 a#4 (82) d#6 (99) m 4.0
KrummSop_angest 10 1 diatonic 17 c3 (60) e4 (76) m 3.4
KrummSop_legato 10 1 2.5
KrummAlt_angest 10 1 17 f2 (53) a3 (69) 2.3
KrummAlt_legato 10 1 2.4
KrummTen_angest 10 1 18 c2 (48) f3 (65) 2.7
KrummTen_legato 10 1 3.8
KrummBass_angest 10 1 17 f1 (41) a2 (57) 4.3
KrummBass_legato 10 1 3.8
Lure p (5) 1 partials 5 a2 (57) f4 (77) m (1.9)
Lure m (4) 1 (1.5)
lure f (5) 1 (1.1)
lure 14 3 4.5
Lure loop p (5) 1 (1.2)
Lure loop m (4) 1 (1.2)
Lure loop f (5) 1 (0.8)
Lure loop (14) 1 (3.2)
Piers Schalmei
Shawm piano 8 (13) 1 diatonic 23 c3 (60) a#4 (82) m (7.0)
Shawm mezzo 8 (13) 1 (7.3)
Shawm forte (13) 1 (7.4)
Shawm legato 13 1 5.9
Shawm einz eco (13) 1 (2.7)
Shawm legato eco (13) 1 (2.7)
Shawm velo 30 3 14.9
Signal Horn
Signal Horn 16 - partials 2 c3 (60) c4 (72) st 13.7
RauschAlt_angest 10 1 diatonic 18 f2 (53) a#3 (70) m 3.4
RauschAlt_legato 11 1 19 f2 (53) b3 (71) 2.9
RauschAlt_short 12 1 20 f2 (53) c4 (72) 0.2
RauschSop_angest 13 1 21 c3 (60) g#4 (80) 5.3
RauschSop_legato 12 1 21 c3 (60) g#4 (80) 3.1
RauschSop_short 11 1 19 c3 (60) f#4 (78) 0.2
RauschSopino_angest 11 1 18 f3 (65) a#4 (82) 5.1
RauschSopino_legato 11 1 18 f3 (65) a#4 (82) 4.1
RauschSopino_short 12 1 20 f3 (65) c5 (84) 0.2
RecSop 13 1 diatonic 20 c4 (72) g5 (91) m 2.7
RecSop_short 13 1 0.3
RecAlt 14 1 20 f3 (65) c5 (84) m 2.3
RecAlt_short 14 1 0.3
RecTen 14 1 22 c3 (60) a4 (81) m 2.6
RecTen_short 14 1 0.5
RecBass 14 1 22 f2 (53) d4 (74) m 2.7
RecBass_short 14 1 0.5
Piers Bagpipe (Gaita) 11 1 diatonic 15 g3 (67) a4 (81) m 2.2
Saeckpipa 10 1 15 c3 (60) d4 (74) 1.4
Bock 9 1 13 c3 (60) c4 (72) 1.8
Flame 17 1 20 c3 (60) g4 (79) 4.3
Schaefer 16 1 20 f3 (65) c5 (84) 4.2
Saitentamburin 5 5 - 1 d2 (50) d2 (50) m 2.5
Strohfidel (384) 12 chrom 33 e4 (76) c7 (108) st (23.7)
Strohfidel reso 768 47.3
Triangle 69 up to 16 - 6 - - st 6.7
Trumscheit 116 up to 14 partials 10 g2 (55) b5 (95) st 55.8
Trumscheit rough 116 55.8
Wood Blocks
woodblocks 60 6 2 semi 20 a4 (81) e6 (100) m 0.3
woodblocks room 60 0.6
Goat Nails
goat nails 22 up to 7 - m 1.4
zither eco (15) 1 diatonic 27 g3 (67) a5 (93) st (7.6)
zither p (15) 1 (13.7)
zither m (15) 1 (15.8)
zither f (15) 1 (16.8)
zither ff (15) 1 (17.0)
zither 60 4 63.2
zither Strum 25 up to 3 - 38.2


Instrument sound bank name
samples Number of Samples used
in brackets: Samples created from the same recording are used
in another sound bank. (virtual copies or looped varieties)
bold: number of unique original samples
velocity layers maximum number of velocity layers in instrument
sampling interval semi: Some instruments can be sampled in equidistant steps. semi
gives the number of semitones per keysplit

diatonic: for the flutes and reed instruments the natural diatonic scale has
been recorded. (Fmaj for alto recorder, Cmaj for the tenor and soprano)

partials: A couple of instruments can not play a regular diatonic or
chromatic scale. Instead a scale of partial harmonics is produced
and sampled.  (Fanfare, Lure, Trumscheit)
tonal range steps: For melodic instruments this is the range in semitones.
For overtone instruments the number of sampled partials.
for percussive instruments this is the number of different notes or
playing techniques
lokey: Lowest sampled note  (in brackets: midi note number)
hikey: Highest sampled note (in brackets: midi note number)
Note: The usable range generally exceeds the sampled range of
the instrument.  This is achieved through  pitch shifting of  the
samples. If You want  your music to be playable within the original
range of the instrument however then only the recorded tonal range
should be used.
Sampler banks are Mono/Stereo
sample size in MB.
in brackets: Samples created from the same recording are used
in another sound bank. (virtual copies or looped varieties)
bold: number of unique original samples